My friend CK finally graduated law school, yay! Her graduation was at Leiden University this Friday. Her university has a really cool tradition, where newly graduates sign their names on the wall of the so-called 'Zweetkamertje' (Sweat room). It's a real pity my university doesn't have this tradition.
'Please let me graduate soon...' (the auditorium used to be a chapel) Should I be a professor... ...or a doctor? Entrance to the 'Zweetkamertje' Signature of Her Majesty the Queen Beatrix The 'Burcht' (Castle) of Leiden The Hooglandse church as seen from the castle City Hall's tower
Went to the garden center yesterday and bought an absolutely lovely Gerbera plant with a cute matching flowerpot for Father's Day (had absolutely no idea what to buy and figured my dad likes flowers & plants) and also got one for myself. I happily went to look at my Gerbera when I woke up today, until... I saw the flowers hanging down! I had put it on my windowsill and apparently it got fried by the morning sun. It was just a really pathetic sight... Luckily I managed to succesfully resuscitate it and now it's standing tall again.
I know summer just started, but I'm kinda already having a barbecue overkill... Had a barbecue on my birthday, my brother celebrated his birthday with a barbecue on Saturday and then we had another family barbecue the next day: Fun nevertheless, but it is just too much...
Cuteness overload! "Tikkie!" Girls only! This photo of Liyani & Nancy just makes my heart melt...
My birthday was this Saturday and despite the not-so-great weather, I invited friends over for a BBQ and cocktails. I had a real blast, it's been a long time that I partied this extreme on my birthday. I couldn't remember the last few hours and the morning after wasn't much fun, though...
Doing our 'Gangsta-pose'... With Lil, Jesse, Zendy, Lu & Jessy Asia & me