I love going to concerts and this time I went to the Arctic Monkeys. The Eagles of Death Metal were the support act and I wasn't really wowed by them, their songs kinda sounded the same to me. They did have quite some fans though, I saw a few guys sporting fake handlebar mustaches and sunglasses, trying to look like the frontman. Now on to the Arctic Monkeys, who were amazing. The Arctic Monkeys are often criticized for their lack of stage presence, but I felt that wasn't the case on Wednesday, they were in a pretty good mood. The sound was incredible, especially with Matt pounding away on the drums. A cool part was during 'Secret Door', when two confetti cannons were blasted off (I guess I have a thing for confetti). Although I have to confess that the loud bang made my heart jump a little...
Support act Eagles of Death Metal
Alex Turner & Matt Helders
"When the Sun Goes Down" (the beginning was cut-off, because my camera wouldn't focus properly)
Nick O'Malley
Jamie Cook
Dance Little Liar
This House Is A Circus
Still Take You Home
I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
My Propellor
Crying Lightning
The View From The Afternoon
If You Were There, Beware
Pretty Visitors
The Jeweller’s Hand
Do Me A Favour
When The Sun Goes Down
Secret Door
Fluorescent Adolescent